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Hundreds of hours have gone into researching, investigating, evaluating, probing,  the very best websites in any given area of the auction business and these are the best of the best.  We have Cherry Picked the sites.......

The very best way to create wealth is to acquire undervalued assets.  And this is the very best way to acquire them.

We have 17 little known auctions listed below you can go ONLINE or IN PERSON and bid on tremendous assets for a penny or two on the dollar!  Most of these auctions don’t even have one single bidder.  (Unlike eBay where you actually pay more for a product than it’s even worth)

One farmer we just talked to bought an $80,000 piece of valuable farm equipment for $500 and had no other bidders!  He is only making $800 a day to rent out his equipment but it gets him buy.  Of course that’s after he uses it himself and saves himself tens of thousands of dollars in rental costs to sow his 150 acres!

Don’t be a dum dum. You can start picking up precious gems, or Coast Guard seized boats, or salvage vehicles, or confiscated drug toys.


Foreclosures for as little as 10k!  You don’t need a lot of money to start either!  $200 can acquire an asset worth $5000. THEN you put it on eBay and sell it for $4,000!

This is the easiest business to start and make $100,000 a MONTH or more barely working.

We give you step by step guides for government auction and US Marshall auctions and just follow that with any of the auctions we give you in our list!

Here are some of the listings you will get with links otherwise hidden to the masses.

  • 300 US Treasury auctions

  • Asset forfeitures-acquire seized toys from all kinds of agencies you never heard of

  • County tax sales- acquire property for pennies on the dollar

  • Salvaged car auctions-pick up slightly damaged cars and no damage cars for pennies on the dollar

  • Coast Guard and other boat auctions-pick up a toy for a few hundred bucks. Yachts for 5 cents on the dollar that people don’t think they can afford, but you can get them for practically nothing.  (Just find a place to put it) and we can tell you how to make money renting it out 15 days a month!

  • Heavy equipment auction- Buy major equipment for chump change, Resell it for 100k!

  • Food Service equipment-we love this product because it is in HUGE demand. Restaurants opening up all over the country and restaurant equipment is very EXPENSIVE!

  • The best police auction to acquire vehicles, confiscated items, and tech stuff for next to nothing.

  • Much more...............

Knowing where to find these auctions  is a must to getting Incredible Bargains on just about anything you ever wanted!


This isn’t merely a list of websites.  Hundreds of hours have gone into researching, investigating, evaluating, probing,  the very best websites in any given area of the auction business and these are the best of the best.  We have Cherry Picked the sites that Offer the best selection of products.


The information in this list is priceless and can make you INCREDIBLY RICH in a month if you do this right.  There is no secret to creating wealth, you do certain things you get CERTAIN results.

Be intentional with your life and take the necessary actions to be more than just a dreamer. 

“There are many ways to fail in life, but the only way to succeed is to be intentional.”

To order this incredible information send $47 via Paypal or Google Wallet go to order page and it will be sent over within 24 hours!

Where to find these auctions? 

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